Banks are amongst one of the most stressed workplaces in India. To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the banks, banks have come forward with a number of solutions. Excessive stress proves to be harmful for an employee. It leads to deteriorated health and loss of energy and productivity. Arriving late, Absenteeism, shirking work responsibilities, leaving early, etc., loss of productivity, increase in employee turnover ratio,error in work, memory loss, cheating, various psychological and psychometric problems, over-reacting, arguing, getting irritated, frustration, suicides, decrease in health level, more accidents prone, eating disorders, too much smoking and drinking, insomnias, depression, improper work, delay in completion of job etc. are the outcomes of stress. Mental fatigue experienced by one employee can affect thesecurity of other employees also. Productivity is directly related with the health of an employee. If the employee is healthy, higher will be the productivity and vice-versa. Work stress has a significant impact on overall team performance, employees well being and overall performance of an organization. The present study is an attempt to findout the variables affecting the work exhaustion and hence turnover intention among the Government Bank Employees as well as Private sector Bank Employees. For this Regression analysis has been used as one of the statistical tool.
Work Stress, Employees, Banks, Productivity