Colotral antibodies provide passive immunity to the new-born calf and growth factors control some fundamental life process such as cell division, cell proliferation or apoptosis and stimulate the growth and development of the gastrointestinal tract of new –born animals.immunoglobulin particularly IgA , are important for mucosal resistant against bacteria and intestinal parasite. The major Ig present in ruminant milk is IgG, with IgG 1 representing more than 90% , IgA and IgM are found. Our research aim to purify the bioactive protein from bovine colostrums by fractionation using ammonium sulphate yielded 270 µg/ 100µl of globulin. When double purification was used for the fractionation the globulin yield in case of bovine colostrums was found to be 270 µg/ 200 µl. The fractionation with CA, the yield of globulin in case of bovine colostrums was found to be maximum 140 µg/ 500 µl. In SDS PAGE analysis, all samples were processed and shown clear band 97 KDa.
Colostrums, IgA, Bioactive immunoglobulin, Ammonium sulphate, Caprylic acid