Background:-Nucleated red blood cells (NRBC) are fetal hematologic markers for placental dysfunction, hypoxemia, and asphyxia. NRBC count elevation at birth or persistence is linked statistically to adverse outcome, but clinical predictive value is variable, one of these adverse outcomes is gestational diabetes which is one of the most common disorders associated with
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine whether nucleated red blood cells count in cord blood of (LGA) and (AGA) infants of gestational diabetic mothers are elevated when compared to its level in (AGA) infants to normal mothers.
Design: Aprospective case comparative study. SETTING: Al-Imamain AL-Kadhemain Medical City.
Method(S): The study was conducted on 90 infants belonging to pregnant women with term pregnancy and single viable fetus delivered by elective caesarian section . The sample has been divided in to three groups, included thirty (LGA) infant of women with gestational diabetes mellitus, and another thirty (AGA) infants to women with G.D.M and a control group of thirty (AGA) infants to non-diabetic women. Umblical cord blood samples collected during the first 12 hours of life and sent to the laboratory for differential count with N-RBC count done manually. Infants to mothers with hypertention, smoking, or drug abuse, abnormal FHR abnormalities, low apgar scores, haemolysis, blood loss and congenital anomalies has been excluded.
Result: There was a significant increase in the umbilical cord blood absolute N-RBC with pvalue<0.001.
there is a positive correlation of absolute N- RBC level in umbilical cord blood with birth weight and maternal diabetes.